Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tomorrow too

Today too
out of this urge to cry
I went to the city
and out of this urge to cry
came home from the city.
Kitahura Hakushu

Well another gig down there at Cité U. I had the worst gig of my life there (probably a year ago now): partially because of late arriving inefficient equipment (which, worse, failed during the set; crashing the party to a halt; until a replacement came in), bad communication, folks asking for too much for too little money (worse I didn't get paid what I was promised) (Although, all-in-all, I saw it through to the end and a lot of folks had a good time). Definitely worth a BLoG post recounting the blow-by-blow horrors. But a year later, I've got other fish to fry.

Anyway, my friend, David, became president of the American House at Cité U, and hires me occasionally for parties. Now this University seems a pretty great idea: 20 or so different nations, all with their own house, living and working together on one campus. The possibilities for diversity!

And yet, everytime I spin there all the requests are ripped from the top ten American R and B charts: Usher and Ludicris. I remember once getting a request for P-Diddy (during that worst gig of my life) and thinking: "P-Diddy? Do people actually listen to P-Diddy? (I've never heard a song by him, so I haven't an opinion on his artistic merit) Here's your chance to be away from home, experience what you may never experience again, and I've got some great Turkish psychedelic music that'll really blow your shit. Sure you wouldn't rather hear that?"

But the first rule of being a DJ of the Folk is "Sometimes you gotta play Madonna." I'll pack up the 50 Cent and Usher, Madonna and Kylie, just for the kids.

Of course, the second rule is, "And sometimes you shouldn't." That's why I'll also bring along things like:

E. T. Mensah & the Tempos Dance Band -- Save Me (1969)

The dance is free and open to the public. Stop by if you get the chance and request something that'll even scare me.

Jeudi 21 avril aprés 21h
Cité Université
Foundation Etats-Unis 15 Blvd Jourdan
Entrée libre


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