Monday, October 03, 2005

Just Before It All Went to Shit

Back in the day, for an instant -- like all human miracles, fleeting -- the large Anglo cities roamed the earth. Happy kings of democracy and diversity, divining from the murky swamp new art forms: punk, new wave, no-wave, hip-hop, house, "world" forms. High concept art lay comfortably with the low-brow and epicurean. In the short span of time just before the neo-conservative revolution, before large Anglo cities were defined simply as money making ventures, pitted against their poor, their artists, those who simply wanted to have a good time. Before real estate market collapses, gentrification, too-high rents, government propaganda of xenophobia.
Did those creators realize the profound effect of their creations? Their influence on art and music for the past 30 years?
Or were they simply looking to throw a good party?
And yourself?

Autrefois, l'espace d'un instant -- le temps d'un miracle -- les grosses villes Anglos guiderent le monde de la musique. Les lumières de la démocratie éclairèrent de nouvelles formes d'art: punk, new wave, no-wave, hip-hop, house, "world." L'art conceptuel faisait bon ménage avec la musique populaire et l'hedomisme. Pendant ce court moment, juste avant la révolution néo-conservatrice, avant que les villes anglos ne deviennent des tiroirs-caisses, ne sacritient leurs pauvres, leurs artistes, tous ceux qui voulaient juste s'éclaier.
Les créateurs étaient-ils conscience des effets de leurs travaux? Leur influence sur l'art et la musique de ces 30 dernières années?
Ou voulaient-ils juste organiser une bonne soirée?
Et vous-même?

(A tiny city, South River, NJ, was the home to Xex. I'll probably play them on Saturday, even if they fall a bit outside the theme. Here's a preview:

Xex -- Saint Vitus' Dance (1980)

Missing the seventies? We'll you've got a full weekend to go back in time, as DJ Whistle Punk spins the gamut of the epic. Friday, as usual, he'll be at his favorite place in the 5th, Le bistro des artistes, spinning Funk and Soul. We always get a good crowd of friends, like the music, old and new. Saturday, we've our first Saturday night at Mange Disque. On tap (err, musically, it's a wine bar...) "Before It All Went to Shit: Large Anglo Cities 1972-80)". Relive the heady days before the neoconservatives spoiled all the fun. We'll excavate the rich music underground of punk, new wave, no-wave, hip-hop, house and "world," all in their nassaince. Hear the diversity, democracy in action, get-down party music, just before big Anglo cities became unaffordable to artists and working folk.

Les années 70 vous manque? Cet week-end, DJ Whistle Punk vas explorer le noir et le blanc, le connu et le inconnu, mais toujour bien pour faire danser, de la décennie. Comme d'hab, il vas mixer au Bistro des artistes, son lieu préféré dans le 5è. Ambience: Funk et soul. Après, en samedi, il explore la riche et variée production des grosses villes Anglo entre 1972 et 1980. Venez vivre la naissance du punk, de la new-wave, la no-wave, le hip-hop, la house, et la "world," toutes les musiques sur
lesquelles danser.

Friday/vendredi 7 October/Octobre
21h - 2h; entrée gratuite
Le bistro des artistes
rue Anglais Paris 75005
Metro: Cluny/La Sorbonne sortie rue St. Jacques

Saturday/samedi 8 October/Octobre
21h - 2h; entrée gratuite
Mange Disque
58 rue de la Fontaine au Roi
Paris 75011


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