Born at the Wrong Time II: Jump et la naissance du rock n roll

When Elvis Aron Presley walked into Sun Studios in 1953 to record a single for his mother's birthday, blues was already 15 years gestating into rock n roll. Jump blues, with its up-tempo, driving rhythms and shouted, syncopated (often bawdy) vocals, was rock n roll before there was rock n roll. (And oddly, one of the few blues forms that regulates the guitar to the rhythm section.) Its purveyors gave swing a kick, rode the politics of racial segragation and helped birth the dominate musical form of the US for the past 50 years (until folks starting scratching records and rapping over them).
In his second installment of Born at the Wrong Time, DJ Whistle Punk lets you live the magic moment of that day in Memphis and moreso, the heady musical stew that led up to it. Come taste rock n roll history. Your mother will be proud of you.
Co-sponsored by Take On Paris.
Friday Dec 1th 21h30 to 2h
Mange Disque
58 rue de la fontaine au roi
Metro: Goncourt
free entry, wine and cheese and deli plates (à la Francais, bien sûr!) available at good prices
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