The weekend will start on Wednesday for me. I've got four gigs. Wednesday at the
Bistrot (can you find the tiny photo of me on their site?), as every Wednesday. But never quite the same in the ever evolving exploration of funk and soul.
Thursday, it's uptown to the Mange Disque to launch a new series in my continued set of series there: Funky Islands. Getting off the large land masses to see the intimate worlds (will they all disappear with global warming?) and the magical music made there. First stop: Jamaica. Folks have been asking me to do a reggae night for awhile now and this will include as much as I can cover (and there's a lot; Prince Buster produced over 600 singles in an 8 year period during the 60s). We'll start as early as the
mento period and space out on some 80s dub.
Friday's a private gig. If you know about, well then you know about it.
Saturday's a semi-private thing for one M.
Honnorat. If you don't know about it, ask me, and I'll invite you.
DJ Whistle Punk
Wednesday Feb 28th 21h to 2h
Le bistrot des artistes
6 rue des Anglais
Metro: Cluny/La sorbonne or Maubert-Mutualité
Thursday March 1st 21h30 to 2h
Mange Disque
58 rue de la fontaine au roi
Metro: Goncourt
free entry, wine and cheese and deli plates (à la Francais, bien sûr!) available at good prices