Party of the Century / Funk of 40,000 Years

In France, they had to change the title of Bennett Miller's Capote to Truman Capote. This is because the French word capote (sounds like kaput with a long O for the U) is slang for a condom. They couldn't have a movie about an important American writer called "Condom," now could they? Unless of course they paired it with a biography of that Balzac fellow.
But anyway, the fine folks over at Take On Paris invited me to spin their first big party. The theme? Truman Capote's (in)famous masked ball from 1966. Costumes are encouraged, or wear black and white. I'll be mixing dancing tunes from the 1940s all the way to 1966, so if you'd like to hear old jazz, jump blues, early rock n roll and soul, this is your chance!
And if post 1966 (up to say 1976) is your thing, I'll be at the Bistrot des artistes this Friday laying down enough funk to inspire you to write the next "Thriller." (Without having to fly all the way out to Holcomb, Kansas.)
Thursday, May 11, 21h to 1h
Café de Paris, 158 rue Oberkampf
Metro: MĂ©nilmontant
PAF: 5 euros, 3 euros for students
Friday, May 12, 21h to 2h
Le bistrot des artistes, 6 rue des Anglais
Metro: Cluny
PAF: Free