Well I stopped by Mange Disque the other night, stumbling in during a wine and food tasting (yummy) and to see if there were any dates open. Low and behold, Thursday was free, I had an image for a flyer, and quickly put together the idea.
To wit:
Girl Groups Int'l
a soirée of early soul, rock n roll and pop 1958 to 1968
just the ladies playing (well, maybe a male drummer or bassist or two)
at Mange Disque
58 rue de la fontaine au roi; Paris 11è
Thursday, April 20, 21h to 2h
Mange Disque is a wine bar that sells records. They have tartines and soups and charcuterie / fromage plates so you won't have to starve either. Tell your friends.
Oh, and, of course, to give you a little taste, here's Dee Dee Warwick (sister of Dionne) with a very gritty version of "You're No Good" from 1963.